The following information can be applied to both Filing View and Bundle View on the History page.
By default, the grid is ordered based on the Submission Date or Last Activity Date (Unsubmitted tab) - newest to oldest.
You can sort on a column to re-order how the grid is displayed.
Determine which column you want to sort.
Click the column header. A small arrow is displayed beside the header.
An upward arrow indicates ascending order (A to Z / oldest to newest / least to greatest); a downward arrow indicates descending order (Z to A / newest to oldest / greatest to least).
Click the heading a second time to change the order.
Only one column can be sorted at a time. Once a column sort is specified, existing sorts on other columns are removed.
See Unsubmitted Filings for details on accessing filing bundles you've saved but haven't yet submitted to the court.
See Submitted Filings for details on accessing the properties of filing bundles you and your connections have submitted to the court and on downloading documents related to those filings.